
Carving Patterns


Over the years every carver develops his or her own unique style, but it takes a lot of carving to reach that point. To begin with, everyone needs good information.

Step 1: Visit carving competitions whenever you can, and pay close attention to the various entries...not to copy what you see, but perhaps to emulate individual details seen in a number of entries. It's the combining of those little details that appeal to you, that will eventually set one carver's work apart.

Step 2: Read the "how to" established carvers have written in magazines and books. Basic Decoy Carving falls into thatcategory.

Step 3: Try your hand carving beginning with a pre-cut carving kit.

Step 4: Get some good patterns on which to base your work. That's where this page comes in.

Harlequin Pattern

This is a photo of our Harlequin pattern. Like all of our decoy patterns this one is drawn to the actual size of the decoys, so the overall page measures about two feet across. As you can see, it features top, side, and end views, three different head positions, and even the hollowing and ballasting. With a pattern like this in hand, it's easy to get your decoy the right size and shape, saving you a good deal of time in experimentation.

We don't offer a lot of patterns, only the ones we have been asked for over and over. 'Turns out these happen to be our most popular decoys as well...

And yes, we hear you...we just added the Common Eider pattern to our list.


All patterns are lifesize or slightly larger unless otherwise noted.


Generic Shorebird*...........................................................$2.50

Miniature Black Duck*......................................................$4.00


Seal Island Puffin.............................................................$3.00


Mallard/Black Duck*........................................................$4.50

Common Goldeneye..........................................................$4.50


Greenwing Teal.................................................................$4.50

Canada Goose....................................................................$5.00


Common Eider..................................................................$5.00

Save 10%...
Complete Set of all 12 patterns...................$45.00


Plans marked with an * are included in our kits.

These are all single page plans, so can be folded and mailed
to keep your shipping charges to a minimum.




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Duck Trap Decoys
P.O. Box 88
Lincolnville Beach, ME 04849

phone: 207-789-5363

© 2014 Duck Trap Decoys.